Thursday, October 05, 2006

Futami has change of heart, announces next T-1 GP show

As the late great Emily Litella used to say on Saturday Night Live, "never mind". On October 3, T-1 president Futami announced on his blog that he planned to disrupt the October 8 M's Style finale because Michiko Ohmukai won't work for him. On October 5, Futami announced that he has changed his mind and has decided not to go to the the M's Style finale. He says he has had good relations with AKINO & Ayumi Kurihara and has decided not to ruin the show for them so they'll work for him in the future. It seems that T-1 Mask No. 1 & T-1 Mask No. 2 persuaded him to this change of heart. Of course I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing is a big swerve and the three of them show up and really cause trouble.

If Futami's change of heart is real, the likely reason is that after much speculation about the future of T-1 GP, he has decided to continue producing joshi shows. Futami announced that the next T-1 GP show will be on Nov. 18 at the Asakusa Fighting Spirits Club. Already scheduled to appear are T-1 Mask No. 1, T-1 Mask No. 2, Shark Tsuchiya, Yasusato Nakajima, Lily Urai & Yumiko Hotta. Apparently this is Tarzan Goto's restaurant, it has a ring and he runs small shows there. I don't know if they have tables around ringside or what. After his previous rant about Ohmukai, this sudden announcement of a new T-1 GP show is too coincidental for me. Sunday's M's Style show could just be a setup for T-1 GP.

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