Monday, September 24, 2007

Disability Action Sept. 26

With the Ontario Provencial election coming up on Oct. 10, it's time to let the politicians know that we're not very happy. So the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty is organizing a demonstration Wed. Sept. 26 at 11:30AM. The demonstration will begin outside the Ministry Of Community & Social Services at 900 Bay St. and proceed to Queen's Park. Hopefully we can make enough noise that someone will finally pay attention. The goal is to get Ontario Works & Ontario Disability Support Program rates raised to a liveable level. If you're on ODSP, you're stuck. Because if you get work, they claw back any money you make. It's the wrong way to do things but the Dalton McGuinty Liberal government has proven to be a pack of cowardly liars to the point that there's even a class action lawsuit pending against the government for their lack of action. Their silence speaks volumes. I'm going to try and attend this event and I hope to see you there. For more info, contact OCAP at 416-997-1562 or check out their website at and here's their video from Youtube.

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