Monday, May 03, 2010

S-Arena video of Kana's vanity show

Here's the S-Arena video report for Thursdsay's Kana produced show at Shinjuku FACE. It looks standard for this kind of show. She brought in Meiko Satomura to work the main event. I don't mind vanity shows for special occasions but everyone is doing them now. It's too much. It's a real symptom of how fractured the joshi business is and is emblematic of the selfishness that has plagued the business for years. I don't know if these freelancers have the will to work together. Probably not. You'll notice Kana is wearing a new costume in the main event. The legwear doesn't work with the rest of it. Maybe it looked good on the computer screen. The other thing about Kana is some fans are down on her since she broke Shuu Shibutani's nose a while back. They think she works too stiff and would never get away with that with someone like Yumiko Hotta. That's pretty funny considering that Hotta is Kana's mentor from her A To Z days. Kana's style does work well with other wrestlers who work a similar style like Ayumi Kurihara. Obviously there are wrestlers she shouldn't work with. But matchmaking is so random today that promoters don't take into consideration that Kana shouldn't work with Shibutani in the first place. Promoters just slap matches together for no reason so what do you expect? Enjoy the video.

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